Self-Timing Systems - Parallel Slalom
In the management of parallel slalom, the MicroTab and MicroGraph displayboards positioned at the finish display the time of the two courses and the time difference between the two competitors. The system can manage up to 4 pairs of athletes simultaneously. Also in this case it is possible to set the various function parameters of the Self-Timing Parallel system directly on the displayboards and to connect them up to a printer. If only one competitor appears at the start, the system will time in single slalom mode.
The system remains unused for a few minutes? No problem. The MicroGATE displayboards use this time to automatically display any message or advertising you have programmed.
As an option, the displayboard may be connected to a printer, which will print all the data acquired and, if desired, a pre-programmed message. Embedded batteries guarantee power for a whole day.

The Self-Timing Parallel Slamom Kit consists of:
- 1 coin box
- 2 start gates
- 2 finish photocells + reflectors
- 1 alphanumeric or graphic displayboard.
- 1 printer with embedded cutter
- 1 auxiliary displayboard