Headset and Intercom

The new MicroCom intercom makes possible perfect audio connection between the start and finish and two or more intermediate stations. The connection can use the same line used for impulse transmission of time events so communication can continue unaffected also while contact is closed (when the start gate is open).
A distinguishing characteristic of the MicroCOM intercom is its small size (9x6x2.5cm). It is supplied together with an attachment clip.
MicroCOM is powered by 2 rechargeable NiMh batteries which guarantee several days of autonomous functioning in normal conditions of use. Normal AA batteries may also be used. The device has useful auxiliary functions:
- Possibility of disconnecting the microphone with a key and just listening (useful when operating in noisy areas)
- Volume control with the keys ‹ + › and ‹-›
The intercom can be supplied with three different kinds of headsets:
- monoaural (single earphone)
- binaural (double earphone)
- professional binaural with enhanced sound-proofing