Displayboards - Big LapCounter

The displayboard “Big Lapcounter”, as well as its little brother, offers the possibility to display information on three sides but with bigger dimensions (and more visibility) besides more programs.
In addition to the programs lap counter, scorer, concentration-clock / countdown, wind speed (if connected to a wind gauge) it’s possible to display graphical elements, to display data coming from other devices (by serial port) and to use it as calendar / clock.
The handy keyboard provided with the displayboard enables to:
- Increase/decrease the number of laps (in lap counter mode)
- start / stop the countdown and start it again at a later time (concentration clock)
- increase / decrease the displayed scores
- display wind speed (if connected to a wind gauge)
Base Program controlled by serial port
Internal Program it runs automatically the stored program
Clock it displays the time of the internal clock
Date & Clock It displays date and time of the internal clock
Test Pixel it checks proper functioning of the leds
Athletic program for velodromes and track and field Counter| Countdown| Wind
Matrix: | 32 x 96 led x 3 |
Dimensions: | 33 x 80 x 69,5 cm (Height x Width x Depth) Height wheels included: 43 cm |
Weight: | around 22 Kg |
Interface: | RS232, RS485. USB port for internal flash programing |